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1-7 programs
All 8 Programs
(20% discount)
$165 per program
$1056 ($132 per program)
100 - 399
$220 per program
$1408 ($176 per program)
400 +
$275 per program
$1760 ($220 per program)
Please note GST is included in all prices.
Here is a list of useful links for you or your kids to use:
Relationships - Reach Out - AUS
World's Largest Lesson - UNESCO
SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities - UN
Build a Tower - Build A Team - TED Talk
Toastmasters Build a Tower (Rules & Instructions)
Sydney Childrens' Hospital Network - Fact Sheet
ABC iView - You Can't Always Get What You Want
Emergency Action Plan - WOAH - AUS
Alannah and Madeline Foundation Keeping Children Safe from Violence – Breaking the Cycle Project - AUS
Better Buddies - Alannah and Madeline Foundation - AUS
Family planning: https://www.familyplanning.org.nz/advice/understand-your-body/changes-at-puberty
Healthy Children (Girls): https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/puberty/Pages/Physical-Development-Girls-What-to-Expect.aspx
Healthy Children (Boys): https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/puberty/Pages/Physical-Development-Boys-What-to-Expect.aspx
Kidshealth: https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/puberty.html
eheadspace: www.eheadspace.org.au 1800 650 890
Q Life: www.qlife.org.au 1800 184 52
ReachOut https://schools.au.reachout.com/understanding-mental-health
Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au 1300 22 4636
Lifeline: https://www.lifeline.org.au 13 11 14
Headspace: https://www.headspace.org.au
Be You - Suicide prevention fact sheet: https://beyou.edu.au/resources/suicide-prevention-and-response/suicide-prevention
Suicide Call Back Service: www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au or 24/7 on 1300 659 467
Estimating the risk of suicide
Assessing support for clients at risk
How can I talk to them about it?
Who is this content relevant for?Kids in years 5-10. The Content is written specifically for Primary and Secondary Schools.
How many lessons does the content cover?As many or as few as you like. The beauty of the program is that you can pick and choose sections as you go. If you have the time, you can spread the content over four lessons, otherwise, mix and match as you see fit. As a parent, you can choose the time that’s right for you.
How do I approach these conversations without offending or upsetting anyone?Each resource includes tips on how to have these conversations more easily with your kids and lists out Dos and Don’ts to help make it more seamless.
Where does the information in these resources come from?The content has been written by teachers, heavily researched and referenced. You’ll find a list of links at the bottom of this page for any further information or help.
When in the year can I start teaching this content?The beauty of the program is that you can dip in and out anytime you like. You’ll find something to fit the curriculum at any stage throughout the year.
What technical requirements are necessary to deliver these programs?All the videos are streamed from Vimeo, so you can access them anytime, without having to worry about downloading large files.
How often is the content updated?The content is updated reguarlly. You’ll receive these updates automatically as part of your yearly subscription.
I’ve bought one of your programs, now I’d like to buy the whole lot. What can I do?"No problem. Give us a call (0458 404 583) and we can work it out for you. Contact